Supporting our ODPG Suppliers

This year, we have a total of 24 Commercial Members who help to keep the ODPG going with their membership, and often step forward when we need event sponsors or webinar hosts. We would like to say a big thank you to every single one of them for joining us this year. They enable us to support our organic and regenerative farmers with advice, resources, webinars, workshops and conferences. Continue reading Supporting our ODPG Suppliers

MPI Workshops, Huis and more info on the Proposed Organic Regulations

MPI have set up a number of Workshops and Huis around New Zealand, and online, to discuss the proposed regulations on Organic businesses, which are as follows:
Proposed requirements and processes associated with the approval of organic businesses. Recognition of third-party agencies and persons that would check compliance. Use of a national mark for organic products Continue reading MPI Workshops, Huis and more info on the Proposed Organic Regulations